Adam V.
2 min readMar 27, 2023


AI and Social Media.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years and has made significant progress in solving complex problems that were once thought impossible. However, this progress has also led to some concerning developments, especially in the realm of social media.

A tweet by a prominent technology expert has shed light on a new trend that could revolutionize the social media landscape. The tweet reads, "Given that modern AI can solve any "prove you're not a robot" tests, it's now trivial to spin up 100k human-like bots for less than a penny per account."

This means that it has become incredibly easy and cheap to create bots that are almost indistinguishable from real human accounts on social media platforms. This has serious implications for the authenticity of social media interactions and the spread of disinformation.

However, there is a way to combat this trend. The same tweet notes that paid verification can significantly increase the cost of creating and maintaining these bots by up to 10,000%. Moreover, paid verification also makes it much easier to identify bots by phone and credit card clustering.

This creates an interesting dilemma for social media platforms. On the one hand, they want to maintain authenticity and integrity in their user base. On the other hand, they need to balance this with the need to generate revenue.

The tweet concludes with a thought-provoking statement: "Obvious conclusion: paid account social media will be the only social media that matters." This suggests that paid social media platforms will become more popular in the future, as they offer a more secure and authentic social media experience.

Overall, this tweet highlights the growing importance of AI in shaping our social media landscape. As AI technology continues to advance, it is crucial that we remain vigilant and take steps to ensure that social media remains a safe and trustworthy space for all users.



Adam V.

Talking about politics and current events.